This is a list of the 677 licensed cartridges released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in the United States.
There were also 88 unlicensed cartridges released for the NES in the United States. CLICK HERE for that list.

The cartridges listed below are organized in alphabetical order by the game's full name...
For example, The Adventures of Bayou Billy is NOT listed under A for ADVENTURES OF nor is it listed under B for BAYOU BILLY... You will find this game listed under T for THE ADVENTURES OF BAYOU BiLLY.

There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, CONTRA and SUPER C are listed as follows;
CONTRA and CONTRA II - SUPER C in an effort to keep these sequels listed together.

Games that I have codes for or have made separate webpages for are highlighted in BLUE.
The rest of the games here are highlighted in RED.
Also any games that I own are indicated by C B & M
C being the game cartridge it self, B representing the box and M the manual.
The colors are
GREEN for good, YELLOW for minor flaws, and RED for it needs replacing.

If there are any games that you know of that are not listed here please let me know and I will add them. Thanks!

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