![]() A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia is a side-scrolling platformer created by David Crane (the creator of Pitfall!) in which a boy and his friend the Blob travel together on earth and on the blob's home planet Blobolonia in a quest to defeat the evil emperor. The blob can transform into several different items when he is fed various jellybeans, and knowing which jellybean transforms the blob into which item is key to playing this game. A list of what each jellybean will transform the blob into is provided below:
Cheat Codes & Guides for this game are as follows: #1) Toss the blob a Honey jellybean and during the transformation toss him a Ketchup jellybean. If done right the blob will turn into a wall. #2) When you first arrive at Blobolonia, go left until you can go no further. Run and toss a jellybean towards the left side of the screen. If you do this just right the screen will flash for a moment and show you the room of the final boss. Proceed to the right and you will notice that all of your enemies have disappeared including the cherry bombs, marshmallows, and popcorn. #3) To kill the giant king blob when your blob is locked in the cage, throw an apple jellybean by pressing the throw button and running toward him. #4) After you gain all of the gems throughout the game, return to the starting point. Then run all the way to the right until you see a large building. Run into it to recieve extra vitamins of all kinds. |